Мы приглашаем вас приобрести высококачественный DMA чит для игры Apex Legends прямо сейчас! Наш уникальный чит DMA обеспечит вам превосходство в мире апекс, позволяя вам эффективно контролировать игровое поле и доминировать над соперниками. Благодаря передовой технологии DMA, которая обеспечивает не только максимальную защиту вашего аккаунта, но и позволяет наслаждаться игровым процессом безопасно и надежно.
- Поддерживаемые DMA карты: StandartDMA (которая продается у нас на сайте), LeetDMA, EnigmaDMA, SquirrelDMA, ScreamerR03, ScreamerR04, CaptainDMA, ScarletDMA, RaptorDMA, TerminatorDMA
- Дополнительные требования: Нужен второй компьютер или ноутбук (Минимальные сис. требования 4GB оперативки и 2 ядра), обязательно DMA карта и прошивка на DMA карту
- Обход записи в ОБС: Присутствует
- Поддерживаемые режимы игры: Оконный, Безрамочный, Полноэкранный
- Поддерживаемые процессоры: Intel и AMD
- Поддерживаемые системы: Windows 10, 11
- Key
- Prediction
- Hitbox Scale
- Visibility Check
Magnet Triggerbot
- Key
- Prediction
- Hitbox Scale
- Deadzone
- Smooth (Min, Max, Time)
- ADS Smooth (Min, Max, Time)
- FOV (not locked on, locked on, distance modifier)
- Disable When Downed
- Ignore Downed Targets
- Idle Time
- Hitbox Selection
- Visibility Check
- Delay
- Grenade Aimbot with Auto Release
- Key
- Smooth (Min, Max, Time)
- ADS Smooth (Min, Max, Time)
- Deadzone
- FOV (not locked on, locked on, distance modifier)
- Visibility Check
- Disable When Downed
- Ignore Downed Targets
- Idle Time
- Hitbox Selection
- Weapon Group Settings (LMG, SMG, AR, Semiauto, Shotgun, Sniper, Ultimate)
- Individual Weapon Settings
- Prediction
- Delay
Player/NPC ESP
- 2D/3D Boxes
- Hitbox ESP
- Bone ESP
- Healthbar
- Shieldbar (Colored according to shield type)
- Name
- Weapon Name
- Legend Name
- Rank
- Distance
- Gold Res
- Kills
- Assists
- Damage
- Adjustable line thickness
- Adjustable colors
- Adjustable text scaling
- Adjustable text shadows
- Enemy Only
Glow ESP
- Multiple color/brightness modes that are can be chosen for visible, invisible and downed targets
- Key(s)
Spectator List
- Opacity
- Scale
- Show Own Player
- Show Teammates
- Show Enemies
Recoil Control System (RCS)
- Weapon Group Settings
- Key
- Delay
- Factor (X/Y)
Item ESP/Glow
- Configurable Weapons
- Attachments (including hopups)
- Sights
- Grenades
- Vault Key
- MRVN Arm
- Treasure Packs
- Ultimate Accelerators
- Health/Shield Items
- Gadgets (Heat Shield, Mobile Respawn Beacon & Evac Tower)
- Knockdown Shields
- Backpacks
- Ammo
- Helmets
- Upgradeable Only (Already have a Level 2 Magazine? Level 1 and 2 won't be shown anymore) for Attachments, Sights, Shield and Helmets. Also has an option to consider teammates, so even if a teammate needs an attachment but you don't, they'll are still displayed
- Only show syringes/medkits/shield cells/shield batteries when not at maximum health
- And many more
Item ESP
- Death Boxes
- Caustic Traps
- Gibraltar Bubbles
- Jump Pads
- Crypto Drones
- Web Radar (Client-side configurable options including spectator list and loot)
- Web Radar zones (current zone [orange], safe zone [white], survey zone [green]) - NOTE: Green zone shows if ANY team used a ring console
- Bunnyhop
- Neostrafe
- Tapstrafe
- Auto Superglide
- Auto Supergrapple
- Auto Reload (including tactical reload at 1 ammo)
- Grenade Points
- Gibraltar Bubble Visibility Check
- Newcastle Shield Visibility Check
- Knockdown Shield Visibility Check
- Ability to mark players (can be ignored by Aimbot, Triggerbot and Magnet Triggerbot and can be colored differently on ESP)
- Controller Support
- All features can be enabled and disabled individually
- Visuals can be streamed to second PC