Purchase the private cheat Moonshine for Escape From Tarkov and enjoy an enhanced gaming experience!
This software, developed by the Moonshine team, has been delighting players with its efficiency for over two years and is constantly updated to meet the latest requirements.
The aimbot in Moonshine is a true professional. It automatically targets enemies and offers extensive customization options, including target selection, smoothing, and aim delay adjustments. The silent aimbot allows you to stay undetected while shooting near opponents.
The ESP function provides complete information about players, including their location, weapons, health, and more. You can see items through walls, loot containers and corpses, and customize the display of information to suit your preferences.
- Supported Disk format: Support only GPT DISK (MBR doesnt work)
- Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless
- Supported CPU: Only INTEL (2012 year cpus and above)
- Supported OC: Windows 10,11
- Show players
- Show player scav
- Show scav
- Show boss
- Show inventory
- Minimalism (Show only skeletons on ESP)
- Distance
- Color customization
- Customization of ESP: Show Box/Skeleton/Weapon/Info/Price
- Show items
- Show items on ground
- Show containers
- Show items in corpse
- Show quest items
- Containers render distance
- Container filter
- Min. price of items (k)
- Price per slot
- Distance
- 0-50k worth items color customization
- 50-100k worth items color customization
- 100-150k worth items color customization
- 150-200k worth items color customization
- 200k worth items color customization
- Add custom loot list
- Delete custom loot list
- Edit custom loot list
- Price limit for custom loot list
- Set color for custom list
- Exits window
- Exits
- Show corpse
- Show grenades
- Map informer
- Extra lean
- Extra lean value
- Cam shift value while extra lean
- Show radar
- Radar scale
- Show traps
- No inertia
- No recoil + Weapon length fix
- No stamina + Oxygen
- No visor
- Thermal vision
- Night vision
- Speedhack
- Speedhack multiplier (1-1.4)
- Loot through walls (Working only for quest items and containers)
- Vector aimbot and activation bind
- Silent aim
- Prioritize target: Center or Distance
- Aim line
- FOV radius
- Prediction
- Bind for fast aimbot bone swap
- Fast aimbot bone swap
- Config list
- Save config
- Load config
- Delete config
- Main color of menu
- Show menu bind