fIntroduction: Freeze your enemys for 5 seconds completely and kill them within that time easily.
- Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless, Fullscreen
- Supported CPU: Intel & AMD
- Supported OC: Windows 10, 11
- Enable GLS: on / off
- Enable keybind: keybind
- Select path: button
- Lag mode: Lag Switch / Fake Lag
Lag Switch
- Traffic: Incoming / Outgoing / All
- Incoming traffic
- Incoming bypass: on / off
- UDP bypass: on / off
- Duration: min 100 / max 10000 [ms]
- Delay after: min 100 / max 1000 [ms]
Fake Lag
- Enable: on / off
- Delay: min 10 / max 5000 [ms]
- Delay after: min 10 / max 5000 [ms]
- Hold key: on / off
- Activation keybind: keybind
- Sounds: on / off
- Save configuration / Reset configuration
- Randomization: on / off
- Lag Switch: min 10 / max 1000
- Fake Lag: min 10 / max 1000
- Message output: on / off