Private RING cheat for Rust

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Feature list
No recoil

Best cheat from Ring developer. Cheat back to sale and great again!

  • Supported Disk format: Support only GPT DISK (MBR doesnt work)

  • Included spoofer: No

  • Anticheat: EAC

  • Stream Bypass: No

  • Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless, Fullscreen

  • Supported CPU: Only INTEL (2015 year cpus and above) Most of X/XE CPUs are not supported including XEON

  • Supported OC: Windows 10 (1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2)


  • Highly configurable!
  • Visibility checks
  • Bone Selection
  • FOV & Smoothing
  • Lock target & Switch target after kill
  • Only aim with guns
  • Only aim at dangerous
  • Skip NPC
  • Helicopter Aimbot

Visual ESP

  • Highly configurable!
  • Players
  • NPCS
  • Animals
  • View players inventory


  • Barrels, Boats, Bear Traps, BradleyAPC, Bradley Crates, Cars, Car Modules, Corn, Crates, Cupboards, Doors, Dropped Items, Elite Crates, Flame Turrets, Gift Boxes, Gun Traps, Hemp, Helicopters, Helicopter Scrap, Heli crates, Hot Air Balloons, Land Mines, Metal Collectibles, Metal Nodes, Military Crates, Mini-copters, Mushrooms, Oil Barrels, Player Corpse, Present Drops, Pumpkins, Ride-able Horses, Sleeping Bags, Stashes(Hide dug up stashes), Stone Collectibles, Stone Nodes, Sulfur Collectibles, Sulfur Nodes, Supply Drops, Trash Piles, Auto Turrets, Sam Sites, Wood Collectibles


  • Players & Sleepers
  • Animals
  • NPC


  • Bullet speed multiplier
  • No recoil (modifier from 0% to 100%)
  • No spread
  • No sway
  • Thick/wide bullet (configurable as a toggle or active key)
  • Instant Eoka


  • Spider-man (Ability to climb up buildings/walls etc)
  • Admin flag (Ability to use certain commands such as `Debug Camera`")
  • No fall damage
  • Always day (Ability to choose what time to set)
  • Bright Caves
  • Silent farm (Farm trees & nodes without interacting with them)
  • Fly Hack
  • Auto Collect (Picks up items automatically without having to interact or look at them – Hemp/Mushrooms/weapons/ammo/ore collectibles etc.)
  • Instant Heal (Faster use of bandages & syringes as well as auto healing)
  • Auto close doors
  • Silent melee (Visible targets only)
  • Instant revive
  • Silent aim
  • Walk on water
  • Gravity modifier

Battle mode

  • Toggleable mode. Configure exactly what should be visible for player esp and item esp while toggled on. Very useful for when you want a clearer screen during fights.